Tuition and costs

Electrical Engineering Doctorate Degrees


The tuition for graduate students at the University of Concepción were agreed by the Board of the Corporation, in a meeting dated January 15, 2015, about the determination and establishment of the annual tuition fee (Basic fee) and enrollment fee for 2015 graduate students.

A través del Decreto UdeC Nº 2015 - 002, se establecieron:

  • Enrollment fee, for first year students: $117.000.
  • Tuition fee, for first year students: $3.597.000.

*All values in Chilean pesos (CLP)

Payment Options

  • Cash payment: If you pay the enrollment fee before March 31, a discount of 10% is applied. If you pay before August 31 (to initiate studies in the second semester), a discount of 5% is applied. This task is done in the Division of Student Financial Management (DAFE), 1st. floor of the Virginio Gómez building, where you will be attended by our Executive Graduate, Ms. Lidia Ruiz H.
  • Pay by check: You can document your program fee with checks, with expiration date the 30th of each month (maximum 10 checks, from March to December).
  • Firma de pagaré. Puede documentar el arancel del programa con pagaré (firma ante notario).
  • Emisión de factura. La cuota básica (arancel de inscripción) y el arancel anual, pueden ser pagados con factura, para ello, el postulante/alumno deberá presentar una carta de la empresa o institución que financia los estudios, donde se solicite la emisión de factura y los datos para la emisión de la misma.

If you are not in Concepcion, you can pay through our electronic transfer. Deposit through our online payment platform Its always assisted by our Executive, Mrs. Lidia Ruiz H.

Download Decree – Tuition 2015