Graduate Profile

The Doctoral Program aims to literate specialists with a solid knowledge on the fundamentals and applications of science engineering in the field of Electrical Engineering. The four research areas in the program are Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications and Biomedical.

The skills that the program promotes graduates are:

  • Develop research projects and innovation.
  • Apply fundamental and specialized knowledge of electrical engineering to solve relevant problems in the development of the specialty, for industrial and apply science at the end.
  • Lead and integrate work teams, present and defend research results.

These skills are achieved by a cycle of fundamental subjects and specialization subjects; with integrated research laboratories; presentation of research results at seminars and conferences, with the oral defense of the thesis; and the diffusion of results in ISI journals of the specialty.

In summary, the skills enable the graduate to perform teaching in their area of specialization, integrate and lead groups of development and technological innovation in the productive sector, and spreading knowledge gained during their research experience at DIE. The graduate student is well trained to continue postdoctoral activities in national or foreign universities.