Enrollment and tuition fee

When should I pay the basic fee (enrollment fee) and document the annual fee?

In March of the year your studies begin, you must pay and/or document the annual fee.

Is the basic fee (enrollment fee) only paid once?

Yes, its paid once the program starts; the basic fee is paid with cash or check (with the present date). In 2012 the enrollment fee value is $161,000.

I have a scholarship, should I pay the basic fee (enrollment fee)?

The only scholarship that exempts the payment of the basic fee is the “University of Concepción Prize” awarded by this university.

I have the CONICYT scholarship, should I pay the basic fee (enrollment fee) and document the annual fee?

The CONICYT scholarship is differentiated between the doctoral and master’s programs:

a) The PhD students with CONICYT scholarships have to pay the basic fee.
b) Masters students with CONICYT scholarships have to pay the basic fee and the difference of the annual fee not covered by CONICYT.

What payment options do you offer to pay and/or document the annual fee?

Los medios de pago son:

a) Cash payment: If you pay the enrollment fee before March 31, a discount of 10% is applied. If you pay before August 31 (to initiate studies in the second semester), a discount of 5% is applied. This task is done in the Division of Student Financial Management (DAFE), 1st. floor of the Virginio Gómez building, where you will be attended by our Executive Graduate, Ms. Lidia Ruiz H.
b) Pay by check: You can document your program fee with checks, with expiration date the 30th of each month (maximum 10 checks, from March to December).
c) Firma de pagaré. Puede documentar el arancel del programa con pagaré (firma ante notario).
d) Emisión de factura. La cuota básica (arancel de inscripción) y el arancel anual, pueden ser pagados con factura, para ello, el postulante/alumno deberá presentar una carta de la empresa o institución que financia los estudios, donde se solicite la emisión de factura y los datos para la emisión de la misma.

If I’m not in the city of Concepcion, is there an electronic resource to pay the basic fee (enrollment fee) and the document of annual fee?

If you are not in Concepcion, you can pay through our electronic transfer. Deposit through our online payment platform www.udec.cl/e-pay. Its always assisted by our Executive, Mrs. Lidia Ruiz H.

When can I ask for my UdeC email account?

When you’re a regular student in the graduate system (once you have enrolled courses), you can request an email account. For this you must enter the link: http://www.udec.cl/intranet/, in “My Services On-Line “and select ” Create Account. “

When can I have a graduate student ID card of the University of Concepción?

When you’re a regular student in the graduate system (once you have enrolled courses). You will be called by the Postgraduate Management to start the procedure to obtain your student ID card.

In the following link: http://www.udec.cl/tudec/, you will find detailed information about the card, its uses and how to apply for a new one in case of loss.


When I try to register, the webpage says I’m already registered. How do I recover my password?

If you are already registered, you must request your password sending an email to: graduado@udec.cl, including your full name and your ID or passport.

If I’m a foreigner and I haven’t done the paperwork to get my passport, what numbered entry should I use in the user register?

If you don’t have a passport, please use your national identification number (of your country) to register.

Can I apply to a doctoral program with a professional degree?

No, the doctoral programs only accept bachelors and master’s degrees.

Can I apply to a master's program with a professional degree?

Yes, the master’s program accepts bachelor’s or professional degree. The level and content of the professional degree must be equivalent of those required for a bachelor’s degree.

Which documents should I attach to my application?

You must attach to your application the following documents:

a) Justify request, why do you want to enter the program.
b) A certified photocopy of your academic record. These records include professional titles, degrees and scores from studies.
c) Two academic reports provided by people chosen by the applicant, of which one, at least, must be an academic of the university where the applicant graduated.
d) Indicate the origin of your financial resource, which will be available during your study period.
e) Health certificate compatible with the requirements of the program you are applying.
f) Sponsorship or approval from the institution to which you belong, if possible.
g) Birth certificate.
h) Other procedures established by the program you are applying.
i) Certificate of Solidarity Fund (only for students and alumni of the University of Concepción).

If I’m a foreigner, can I send the supporting documents of my application via e-mail?

Yes, you can start the application process with digital documents. You should send the corresponding legalization documents as soon as your accepted by the program and notified by the Department of Postgraduate.

If I’m a foreigner, which documents should I legalize in my country?

You should legalize your academic background, such as: diplomas, degrees and transcripts.

To valid the legalization of your degrees, approach a chilean embassy or consulate in the country you obtained the degrees, which will record a seal to validate your documents.

Once my application has been accepted by the Director of postgraduate, how do I get/apply for the acceptance certificate of the program?

If you have been admitted/notified by the Director of postgraduate, please request the acceptance certificate to the email: graduado@udec.cl, indicating your full name, the institution name in need of the document and the procedure it’s needed for.