Pamela Guevara A.
Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas
Doctora en Física, Universidad Paris 11
Pamela Guevara was born in Concepcion, Chile, in 1976. She received the B.S. in Electronics Engineering degree from the University of Concepcion, Chile in 2001. In 2007 she obtained the M.S. in Medical Imaging degree, and in 2011 the Ph.D. degree in Physics, both from the Université Paris-Sud, France.
She has been a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Concepcion, since 2006. Her areas of interest are Biomedical Image Processing and Computer Graphics, in particular the study of human brain connectivity from diffusion MRI data.
Degrees: Ing. Civil Electrónico, Doctora en Física, Universidad de París-sud.
Telephone: +56 41-266 1258
Office: Office 206 , Ingeniería Civil Biomédica
Areas of interest:
- Signal and image processing.
- Medical Image Processing.
- Processing diffusion MRI data.