Pablo Aqueveque N.


Pablo Aqueveque N.

Electrónica, Equipos Biomédicos

Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería c/m en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Pablo Aqueveque graduated as Electronic Engineer in 2002 and his doctorate in science engineering in 2008, both at the University of Concepcion, Chile. He did a postdoctoral at the University College London (UCL) in London, UK in 2010. He has worked on multiple projects and energy efficiency audits of processes in the mining industry, forestry and pulp, and in the development of electronic equipment for biomedical monitoring and support. He is currently associated with the University of Concepción and teaches biomedical applications, electronics and bioelectronics. His research interests include bioelectronics, high efficiency power electronics, embedded electronics and wireless power transfer.

Degrees: Ingeniero Civil Electrónico, Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción.

Telephone: +56 41 2201261

Office: Office 207, Ingeniería Civil Biomédica.

Web page:


Areas of interest: 

  • Designing electronic devices.
  • Electrochemistry.


Secretaria: Marcela Hernández Mellado
Dirección: Edmundo Larenas 219
Teléfono: +56 412204127
Correo: Correo Secretaria
Doctorado Acreditado 7 años Magister Acreditado 6 años