Luis Arias P.


Luis Arias P.

Radiometría y Sensores Ópticos

Dr. Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mención Ing. Eléctrica, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Luis Arias received the Ph.D.  from the University of Concepción. 2009, Concepcion, Chile. Currently he is assistant professor at Electrical Engineering Department, University of Concepción.

Since 2005, he has carried out research in radiometry and optoelectronics applied to flame sensing and combustion process monitoring. Since 2011, he has been leading a FONDECYT project involving the design and development of novel hyperspectral optical systems with low spectral resolution sensors for several applications, including remote sensing. He is the author of several papers and patents on the design and applications of new spatial–spectral models, monitoring techniques, and hardware design for flame sensing.

Degrees: Ing. Civil Electrónico. Dr. Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mención Ing. Eléctrica

Telephone: +56 41 220 4308

Office: Office 229, Edificio Central de Ingeniería




Secretaria: Marcela Hernández Mellado
Dirección: Edmundo Larenas 219
Teléfono: +56 412204127
Correo: Correo Secretaria
Doctorado Acreditado 7 años Magister Acreditado 6 años