Aníbal Valenzuela L.


Aníbal Valenzuela L.

Accionamientos Eléctricos

Magíster en Ing. Eléctrica, Universidad de Chile, Chile.

Aníbal Valenzuela was born in Santiago, Chile. He received the Electrical Engineering degree in 1976 and the Magister degree in electrical engineering in 1978, both from the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Since 1978, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Concepción, Chile, where he is currently a Professor in the area of electric machines and drives.  From August 1998 to June 1999, he spent his sabbatical leave at the University of Wisconsin, with the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC).  He has several years of consulting activity in the pulp, paper and mining industries.  His current research interests include motion control of industrial drives, coordinated motion of multiaxis systems, sensorless control of ac drives, and thermal evaluation of induction motors.

Prof. Valenzuela was a recipient of the First Place Paper Award of the IEEE Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference in years 2006 and 2011, and of the First Prize Paper Award for the best paper published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS in years 2003 and 2009.  In 2010 he received the City of Concepción Award for Outstanding Achievements in Applied Research, and in 2012 the IEEE Meritorious Engineering Award for outstanding contributions to Pulp and Paper Industry.

Degrees: Ing. Civil Electricista, Universidad de Chile, 1973. Magister Universidad de Chile (1978).

Telephone: +56 41 2203227

Office: Office 228, Edificio Central de Ingeniería


Areas of interest: 

  • Electrical drives.
  • Electrical industrial systems.


Secretaria: Marcela Hernández Mellado
Dirección: Edmundo Larenas 219
Teléfono: +56 412204127
Correo: Correo Secretaria
Doctorado Acreditado 7 años Magister Acreditado 6 años