Juan Tapia L.

Prof. Juan  Tapia

Juan Tapia L.

Diseño y control de Máquinas Eléctricas

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, USA

Dr Juan Tapia, electrical engineer and Associate Professor at the department of Electrical Engineering in the University of Concepción. He obtained the Master degree of Engineering Sciences in 1997 at the same university and his Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2002 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States.

Since then he has dedicated to development, design and testing of electrical machines based on permanent magnets within the competition calls of CONICYT such as FONDECYT and FONDEF. In 2010 he was invited by the Academy of Finland in the Finnish Program of Distinguished Professor (FiDIPro Programme) to participate in a research project in the area of optimization of magnetic structures for applications in the areas of energy and tension in the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland together with local technology companies.

He has authored and co-authored numerous technical articles for high impact journals indexed, book chapter specialized and participated in national and international conferences.

His research interests include analysis, design and control of electrical machines, renewable energy and numerical methods for the solution of magnetic fields.

Degrees: Ing. Civil Eléctrico, Universidad de Concepción, 1991. Master degree of Engineering Sciences, Universidad de Concepción, 1997. Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002.

Telephone: +56 41 2203507

Office: Office 216, Edificio Central de Ingeniería

Web page: http://www2.udec.cl/~juantapia

Email: juantapia@udec.cl

Areas of interest: 

  • Electric Drives.


Secretaria: Marcela Hernández Mellado
Dirección: Edmundo Larenas 219
Teléfono: +56 412204127
Correo: Correo Secretaria
Doctorado Acreditado 7 años Magister Acreditado 6 años