Claudio Roa S.


Claudio Roa S.

Planificación de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia

Ph.D. Imperial College, Inglaterra.

Claudio A. Roa-Sepulveda was born in Concepcion-Chile in 1960. He received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Concepcion-Chile in 1984, and he was admitted to the degree of Ph.D. from the University of London-England in 1993. He has been a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Concepcion, since 1984. His area of expertise is power system operational planning under deregulated markets and environmental constrains.

Degrees: Ing. Civil Eléctrico, Universidad de Concepción, 1986. Ph.D. Imperial College, Inglaterra, 1993.

Telephone: +56 41 2203510

Office: Office 228, Edificio Central de Ingeniería


Areas of interest: 

  • Electric power systems.


Secretaria: Marcela Hernández Mellado
Dirección: Edmundo Larenas 219
Teléfono: +56 412204127
Correo: Correo Secretaria
Doctorado Acreditado 7 años Magister Acreditado 6 años