Foreign Guide

About Concepción

Concepción is the provincial capital of Concepción. It is located 515 km. from Santiago de Chile.

The proximity of other towns, make it form a metropolitan area that includes the towns of: Hualpén, Talcahuano, Chiguayante, San Pedro de la Paz and Penco.

Its Mediterranean climate is dominant in this region. The average annual temperature is 9.1 ° C, and the maximum annual is around 20 ° C. The summer average is 17 ° C, while in winter there is an average of 8 ° C. The fluctuations of temperature in the city of Concepcion are relatively moderate. This is due to the proximity the city has with the Pacific Ocean.

Live in Concepción

You may find announcement of places to live in (a Pension guide webpage to help UdeC students), supermarkets murals and in courtyards murals of the University. You can also find information on economic announcements in the magazine “Mejores Datos”.


The main transport system in Concepcion are buses (called micros) and “colectivos” that are shared taxis traveling fixed routes.


The official currency is the Chilean peso. Foreign currencies are generally not accepted as payment for purchases or services, except in hotels. The use of credit cards is widely used and you can get cash at ATMs installed in banks, shopping malls, gas stations, etc. Circulating coins and bills:

  • Coins: 1,5,10,50,100 y 500 pesos
  • Bills : 1000, 2.000, 5.000, 10.000 y 20.000 pesos